
Archie and Moose go fishing
Archie and Moose go fishing
These twa dugs -Archie and Moose- went on a wild fishing frenzy! While painting two murals and a floor in a beach house in Australia, working side by side with other contractors, the joiner’s two dogs got into the ornamental pond and polished off some poor goldfish. The unfortunate event caused so much mayhem …

Abuela Adela
Abuela Adela
Painted from drawings made in my Venezuela sketchbook. It depicts the beautiful and dignified Grandma Adela from Maracay, sitting in her armchair catching the evening breeze. (alkyd on canvas)

Brazilian Market Series
Brazilian Market Series
Three of five alkyd paintings from the Brazil Market series, commissioned for offices at Herbert Smith Freehills , Brussels

Capoeira, Chão de Estrelas
Capoeira, Chão de Estrelas
Alkyd painting inspired by the talented young people of Darue Malungo, an Afro-Brazilian dance centre in the Chao de Estrelas neighbourhood of Recife, in the north east of Brazil.

Leonardo de Los Campos de Nijar
Leonardo de Los Campos de Nijar
A wee pen and ink and pastel portrait from my Almeria sketchbook

Paper-mache Rickshaw
Paper-mache Rickshaw
A paper-mache collaboration with artists Lyver, Yanoski and Filiberto from Cuba and Rahul and Piplu from Bangladesh. We worked with children at Dalry Primary School in Edinburgh to make this rickshaw along with several other street characters. These were exhibited firstly at the Edinburgh Mela and later we used it to welcome the public to …

Grandpa’s party piece
Grandpa’s party piece
This painting records not only my grandfather’s party piece – a witty wee rhyme we were all taught at an early age – but also my father, keen for the next generation to continue the legacy, handing a fiver over to my wee Aussie cousin as reward for him learning it – Glaswegian accent and …

Murphy, Mr Chippington and his baby Grand
Murphy, Mr Chippington and his baby Grand
(Acrylic,100 x 120cm)

Birds of New Zealand mural
Birds of New Zealand mural
Commissioned for a private home in Sevenoaks, Kent. (600 x 600 cm, super saturated acrylic & scumble glaze)

Byzantine Icons
Byzantine Icons
In 2016 I attended two courses with iconographer Peter Murphy in St Peter’s Centre for Sacred Art in Canterbury. He taught me to gild and paint on specially prepared wooden panels using traditional medieval techniques, pigments and gold leaf.

Cock of the Corn
Cock of the Corn
Painted for Inchcolm Veterinary services, Fife. Courtesy of chickens in Duddingston Village hen coop. (Acrylic on canvas)

Music Series
Music Series
“Music Series” – Four Alkyd paintings commissioned for the offices of, Slaughter and May, Brussels

In your Dreams, Brutus
In your Dreams, Brutus
Brutus the lazy Ridgeback (bred for hunting lions). Painted at Moggs Creek, Australia (Acrylic, 120 x 120cm)